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Gift Cards

Please Note: The Gift Cards app is currently in public beta. If you have an issue, please email help at

After installing the Gift Cards app from the App Store area in your Dashboard, you'll have access to two different ways of creating gift cards: Product Gift Cards & Private Gift Cards.

Product Gift Cards

A Product Gift Card is created by clicking the New Item button in your Inventory section, then clicking Gift Card. After creating a Product Gift Card, you can list it in your storefront alone, or in a Product Bundle.

Each Product Gift Card Variation has one of two types:

For a Flat Rate Gift Card, you must set a specific price*. Then you can optionally enable inventory tracking by setting a Sale Limit. If, for example, you specify $25 USD for a Flat Rate gift card, and list the Product Gift Card as visible in your storefront, anyone can purchase it. After purchasing the Gift Card, they will receive a code that can be used during checkout.

For a Percentage based Gift Card, you must set a specific price* and percentage. Rather than having a flat value that lasts across any number of future orders, this gift card will have a percentage based value, that can only be applied to a single order. For example, if you specify $25 USD, a percentage value of 100%, and a sale limit of 10, then the next 10 customers that purchase this gift card for $25 will receive a single, 100% free order.

*Note that if you bundle this Gift Card and make it only available in bundles, the price will be irrelevant.

Note that gift cards apply to the entire order's price, including shipping and tax. Additionally, if a $25 gift card is added to a $20 cart, and your customer proceeds to the Checkout area and a $1.25 Tax is calculated while your customer enters their shipping details, the Gift Card's value will decrease by $21.25 in the Checkout area, and be applied to the resulting order appropriately.

While very useful, Percentage based Gift Cards could be dangerous without limits. To help make Percentage based Gift Cards extremely versatile, they come with three optional restrictions:

Restrict to a Maximum Value (In Your Currency) - Immediately to the right of the Percentage field is a Max in Currency field. Here, for example, you can specify that your 100% Gift Card has a maximum value of $50. Because Percentage based Gift Cards can only be used once, if you sell this 100% Gift Card for $25, but give it a Maximum Value of $50, it can only be used for up to $50 on a single order, and then it will no longer work.

Restrict to a Maximum Number of Order Items - This more advanced restriction is available by clicking the variation's gear menu on the right and then clicking "Restrict Gift Card Usage". When enabled, you can specify a number greater than zero, for example, 1. If you specify 1, this Percentage based Gift Card will only work for a single cart item.

Restrict to a Specific Set of Product Categories - This more advanced restriction is available by clicking the variation's gear menu on the right and then clicking "Restrict Gift Card Usage". When enabled, you can specify one or more product categories, and this Percentage based Gift Card will only work on cart items in those categories.

Note that when a percentage based gift card, with either the Maximum Number of Order Items, or Specific Set of Product Categories restriction, is added to a cart, it can only be used by itself, rather than in combination with other gift cards. Additionally, customers will not be able to checkout if any items in the cart don't fall into the correct restrictions. Instead, they'll be told that what gift card restrictions are preventing the checkout, and they'll have to make the appropriate changes. For example, if a Percentage based Gift Card with a restriction of 1 Maximum Order Item, is added to the cart, and your customer attempts to increase the quantity of that item, or attempts to add a second item, an error notice will be attached to the disabled Gift Card line.

Private Gift Cards

There are certain circumstances where you may want to immediately create a Gift Card Code for someone, rather than actually listing a Product Gift Card in your storefront. To do this, go to the Apps > Gift Cards area of your dashboard, click the New Gift Card > Private Gift Card button.

From here, you can create either a fixed amount or percentage gift card. If you select percentage gift card, you will have the option to add any, or all, of the three restrictions: Maximum Value, Maximum Number of Order Items, Restriction of Product Categories.

After creating a Private Gift Card, you will be redirected to the main Gift Cards area, and will be shown your newly created Gift Card, so you can copy the Gift Card's unique code.

Sales Orders & Gift Card

When a Product Gift Card is purchased, you can jump to the purchased Gift Card from the Sales area of your dashboard, find the order in question, click the gear menu on the right, and then click Manage Gift Cards. This will redirect you to the Apps > Gift Cards area and filter all Gift Cards, to show only those that were generated as a result of the order you came from.

When a Gift Card is used on an order, you will see the Gift Card's Code, and amount applied to the order, as a line item inside the Sales section of your dashboard. Hover your mouse over the Gift Card Code, and a Manage Gift Card icon and link will appear immediately next to it. Clicking that icon will redirect you to the Apps > Gift Cards area, and only show you that used Gift Card.

Viewing Activity & Adjusting Gift Cards

The Apps > Gift Cards area of your dashboard, will show you all Gift Cards generated in your store, whether they're Private Gift Cards, or originated from Product Gift Cards.

The Order column will display a linked order number, when the Gift Card originated from a Product Gift Card. Clicking that order number will send you to the Sales area of your dashboard, and show you the order.

The Times Used column will display the number of times the Gift Card was used, as a value, against an order. Clicking that number will send you to the Sales area of your dashboard, and show you all orders it was used on.

Clicking the Adjust link on the righthand side of any Gift Card will bring up an overlay.

If the Gift Card is Percentage based, and has any of the three possible restrictions, they will be listed at the top of the overlay.

No matter what kind of Gift Card is selected, the Adjust overlay will display all relevant transactions, including dates, times, and amounts, that affected that Gift Card's value.

At any time you can manually adjust a Flat Rate Gift Card's current balance. For example, if the balance is currently $10, you can increase it to $25 by applying a 15.00 adjustment, or you can decrease it to $5 by applying a -5.00 adjustment.

If you're looking at an unused Percentage based Gift Card, you will have the option to specify a new balance, which will convert it to a Flat Rate Gift Card with the specified value.

If you're looking at a previously used Percentage based Gift Card, it will act like a Flat Rate Gift Card, and you can adjust the existing balance.