
Have a question about your order? Please contact the store you ordered from directly.
You can do this by replying to your order confirmation email.

Sending a Tracking Number To My Customer

  1. Go to your store's admin area.
  2. Click "Sales" in the dashboard navigation.
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of each Order you wish to mark as shipped. You can search and page through Orders while continuing to select them. The Orders you select will be remembered.
  4. After selecting the Orders you'd like to mark as shipped, click the "Shipped" button at the top left.
  5. The "Mark as Shipped" toolbar will appear.
  6. Click the date field to set a day other than today that you want to mark the items as shipped.
  7. Check the box that says "Notify Customers".
  8. Select an existing (or create a new) Shipping Method from the "Shipping Method..." drop down.
  9. Click the "Add Tracking Numbers?" link that appears.
  10. Type or paste tracking numbers into any of the selected Orders on the right hand side. Note that if you paste a tracking number in, you'll automatically be moved to the next Order's tracking number field so that you can continue pasting.
  11. Click "Ship Orders" on the top right.

Tip: To select a range of check boxes, select the top most box, hold shift, then select the bottom most box. Order update emails with the above shipping details will be delivered to each of your Customers in the selected set of Orders.