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"It's Available!" FAQ

The "It's Available!" App lets your customers request an email notification when an item becomes available or is back in stock.


  1. Installation
  2. When do Products & Events Allow Availability Requests?
  3. Default Request Eligibility
  4. Overriding Request Eligibility
  5. How Do I See Availability Requests?
  6. How Do I Notify Requesters When Something is Available?
  7. Theme Support


To install the "It's Available!" App, follow these steps:

  • Go into your dashboard by signing in on the homepage.
  • Go to the "App Store".
  • Install the "It's Available!" App.

When do Products & Events Allow Availability Requests?

If a Product or Event is available and all variations or ticket types are in stock, availability requests won't be accepted.

For "Coming Soon" (announced) Product and Events, availability requests are accepted if there is at least one variation or ticket type that isn't flagged as ineligible for requests (see below to change a variation or ticket type's eligibility). Note that for coming soon Product, variations are hidden from your store's visitors as to not reveal any details.

The request screen that visitors will see for "Coming Soon" items looks like the following:

Coming Soon Request

If you don't want to accept requests for a "Coming Soon" Product or Event, you can either not add any variations to the item until you're ready to make it available for sale, or you can flag each variation or ticket type as ineligible for requests.

For all other listed Product and Events, availability requests are accepted if there is at least one variation or ticket type that is eligible for requests. For a variation or ticket type to be eligible for requests, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Inventory is tracked.
  • There isn't any remaining inventory.
  • The "Ineligible for Availability Requests" setting under the gear icon is unchecked.

The request screen your store's visitors will see for non-"Coming Soon" items that meet the above criteria looks like the following:

Standard Request

Default Request Eligibility

  • By default, Product variations are eligible for availability requests.
  • By default, Event ticket types are not eligible for availability requests.

Overriding Request Eligibility

In some cases, you might know that this item will never be made again and you don't want to accept availability requests. To change a Product variation or ticket type variation's availability request eligibility, find the Product or show in your store's admin area and click "Edit" across from the item. When inside the editor, scroll down to the variations or ticket types section and click the gear icon on the right hand side of the variation or ticket type you'd like to modify. From here, you can change the item's availability request eligibility.

How Do I See Availability Requests?

There will be a new column called "Want" in the "Products" & "Tickets" sections of your store's admin area (Note: The "Tickets" section is only visible when you have the "Ticket Selling" Module installed). The "Want" column will show how many pending availability requests there are for each Product or Event. Additionally, you can click to expand a Product or Event to see how many variation or ticket type specific requests have been made. This is very useful when you have a specific thing out of stock, like one size of a t-shirt.

Here's an example of what the "Want" column looks like:

Want Column

In addition to the "Want" column, there is a new "View Wants" button at the top of the Product and Show editor. Just click "Edit" across from the Product or Show you want to change and the "View Wants" button will appear at the top and will indicate how many pending requests are on that item.

To view the pending requests for an item, you can either click the number in the "Want" column of the overview "Products" and "Tickets" sections or you can click the "View Wants" button inside the editor.

In addition to manually viewing requests, after you update a Product or Event and make an item available that would fulfill any pending requests, the pending requests overlay will automatically appear and the can-be-fulfilled requests will be automatically checked.

Here's an example of what the pending requests overlay looks like:

Pending Requests

How Do I Notify Requesters When Something is Available?

It's up to you when notification emails get sent out to people that have made availability requests. Once the pending requests overlay is open (see above section for how to open it), you can check off either an entire group of notifications (for example: everyone that requested to be notified if a specific variation becomes available) or you can check off individual requests.

After selecting one or more requests, click the "Notify Selected" button to send out notification emails to those people. After sending notifications, those requests will be cleared from the overlay.

Theme Support

If you aren't using a custom theme, your theme already supports availability requests. You can tell whether or not you have a custom theme by going to the "Storefront" > "Theme" section of your store's admin area and looking at if your current theme's "HTML / CSS" button is enabled or disabled. If your "HTML / CSS" button is disabled, your theme isn't custom.

To add support for availability requests to your custom theme, you'll need the following two things.

First, wherever you list your Product variations or Event ticket types for purchase and you would potentially have out of stock items or coming soon items (such as the product.html and event.html theme assets), you'll want to use the following theme tag to check whether or not the current Product or Event is eligible for requests:

<!-- For Products -->
{% if product.eligible_for_availability_notices? %}
{% endif %}

<!-- For Events -->
{% if event.eligible_for_availability_notices? %}
{% endif %}

To actually display the request overlay to your store's visitors, you'll then need to use the following JavaScript:

Store.requestNotification('Product', {{ }});

Note that in this scenario, we're using {{ }} to send the current Product's id into the Store.requestNotification JavaScript method. When this JavaScript is executed, the request overlay will appear.

The Event version of the above JavaScript looks like:

Store.requestNotification('Event', {{ }});

The simplest way to add availability requests to your custom theme would be to add the following to your product.html theme asset:

{% if product.eligible_for_availability_notices? %}
  {% if product.announced? %}
    <a href="#" onclick="javascript:Store.requestNotification('Product', {{ }});">Click here</a> to get emailed when this item becomes available.
  {% else %}
    Something not available? <a href="#" onclick="javascript:Store.requestNotification('Product', {{ }});">Click here</a> to get emailed if it becomes available again.
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

If you have any questions about how to integrate availability requests into your custom theme, please feel free to send us a message.