
Have a question about your order? Please contact the store you ordered from directly.
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ShipStation Custom Store Integration

Install The App

  1. Go to your store's admin area.
  2. Click App Store in the dashboard navigation and install the "SKU" App.
  3. After installing the SKU app, scroll till you see the ShipStation App, and install that.
  4. Copy your Username & Password - you will need these details to configure your Custom Store on ShipStation. 5 Click "Okay" to complete the app's installation.
  5. After the app finishes installing, copy the "URL to Custom XML Page" from below the install button.

Configure Your Custom Store on ShipStation

  1. Adding a new Sales Channel to your ShipStation account.
  2. Select the "Custom Store"
  3. Enter the requested information, including the URL to Custom XML Page, Username, Password, and the following statuses exactly.

Map Order Statuses

  • Unpaid Status: unattempted, pending
  • Paid Status: unshipped, awaiting_fulfillment
  • Shipped Status: shipped
  • Cancelled Status: canceled
  • On-Hold Status: refunded, disputed